textile Installation
“Daisies” is a project where pressed flowers are embroided inbetween to layers of organza, to explore delicate and fragile pieces. I have collected flowers and leaves from places that hold a lot of importance and memories to me, as well as bouquets I have received. Flowers used to be a used as a hidden symbolic language were you could send messages to each other through what flowers you send.
Wood, pressed flowers, polyester organza, 90x120 cm
textile Installation
“Daisies” is a project where pressed flowers are embroided inbetween to layers of organza, to explore delicate and fragile pieces. I have collected flowers and leaves from places that hold a lot of importance and memories to me, as well as bouquets I have received. Flowers used to be a used as a hidden symbolic language were you could send messages to each other through what flowers you send.
Wood, pressed flowers, polyester organza, 90x120 cm